Windsor: Copia Café Valentine's Cupcake Surprise
More showmanly in large.
I was ambling around Windsor early in the morning when this chap whirled around and flourished his Valentine's cupcakes at me. He so took me by surprise that I popped off five shots (two in decent focus, and croppable), which rather took him (and me, on checking the screen afterwards) by surprise!
According to him I seem like a romantic and look like I could use a Valentine's cupcake. I couldn't resist ... blipping him.
I captured quite a comedic crop today:
"Shake, shake the ketchup bottle; none'll come, and then a lot'll"
"WHAT are you doing?" [Oops!]
"Put down your phone and listen to me!"
Station scene with matching minions
Lined, matched, and queued up
"BRAKE, BRAKE, BRAKE" *Snap* [Funniest perhaps...]
My favourites photographically were:
Excited for eggs
Bill's breakfast bustle & Breakfast is served
All of today's WIndsor pics can be seen on Flickr (right from here).
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