Some people do care

Tuesday 14th February 2017 (1634)

It's been a tough week but here's a reminder that some people do care.

I received this card through the post at lunchtime. It is the first time ever that I've received a valentine's card through the post. Until a few years ago when my previous congregation gave me a card, I'd never received one at all. The message inside this one simply said "From two people who care from a distance." The postmark was the other end of the country. I was intrigued who it could be from. 

All became clear on a visit this afternoon to a lovely couple. Apparently I should have received two cards through the post but one seems to have been delayed, that was from the couple I was visiting. This one had also been instigated by them but sent from a couple who had moved away just before Christmas. They wanted me to know how much they cared. Bless them! What a lovely idea and it made my day.  

To all my blipfriends - Happy Valentine's Day! 

My apologies, I am slipping behind with commenting again. I will catch up at the weekend. 

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