My Valentine.

When you have been married as long as we have (a whole 6 and a bit years!) you tend not to bother with cards and soppy gifts that just benefit the shops.

But when your husband goes to the trouble of secretly booking a table for Lunch at the first Pub you ever had a date in....then you know its Love.

We had a beautiful meal. I accidentally ordered a starter for my main course but made up for it by ordering the biggest Banoffee Pie you have ever seen.

We then intended to go bowling (for the 1st time together) but when I checked on line on our way, I was very disappointed to find out there were no lanes for another 2 hours. So we turned round and went home and I slobbed on the sofa all afternoon while Mr W did a few hours 'work'!!!

Mr W then cheerfully obliged with today's Blip. I was hoping the Bokeh behind him would be a bit more Heart Shaped but I guess I'm still learning!!!!

So here you have my Man. My Valentine. The man I love very, very much. Truly, Madly, Deeply.


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