'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Love is...

...standing strong and facing the storm together.

This would have been a perfect Blip for tomorrow!  As it was this couple were hand in hand admiring the height of the swell and the incredible power of the waves today at Slapton/Torcross. I have to admit to being quite envious.  I have included a couple of extras to just show the power of the crashing waves.

Three beautiful things:
Getting a good piece of work done which hopefully the recipients will find supportive! I have only just finished though after working on it all day!.

A decent walk and some fresh air with the dogs shielded from the wind as we walked around Slapton Ley.  Although it was exhilarating to be buffeted by the wind and the spray whilst watching and taking photos.

Realising how much better the car is working now and how much more relaxed I am!

One thing to be grateful for:

Getting today's bit of work done and not leaving it until the end of the week.   Means I can enjoy the half term without worrying over it.

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