Roly's Life

By Roly


Not just me for once either!

A ridiculously early start after a crap night - snot, snoring and a cough are not a good combination. MrRoly left at 6 with Princess so I got up to see them off. I did manage to doze off again until just before 8 and action stations!

Eldest and The Boy were deposited at Mylor and Smallest made his 9.30 swimming lesson. We called in on blipper D for a coffee and a catch up - I'm hoping I kept far enough away to avoid spreading this lurgy!

Home and a bit of slob before venturing out again - an unsuccessful garden centre visit (no snowdrops 'in the green'), lunch out, Baileys for chicken worming stuff and Sainsbury's for tea makings.

By now I felt decidedly ropey so promised to take Smallest Pokémon hunting if he let me go to bed for an hour. He did so after making chicken curry, I took him wandering round a bitterly cold and windy Mylor churchyard for a very successful Pokémon mission.

We wandered back down to collect Eldest and Boy - I blipped this, it doesn't really show how rough the normally very sheltered harbour was today!

Home for a quick tea then back out to the cinema for The Lego Batman Movie. What a load of funny, enjoyable nonsense that is! Now home again, caught up on Eastenders and in bed before 10.30 - I am determined to sleep well tonight!

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