Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Missing things

Funny isn't it?!.......that the lack of things can make life wonderful......or sad.

As I cycled from a friends house this morning I was struck by the lack of wind, how pleasant it was. No rain......makes a nice change. Very little traffic on the roads...groovy! Some things are good when they are not there.

Some things are broken and forlorn when things are missing, a fresh morning with no bird song, a pushchair dumped on the pavement, the homeless drunk chap without his normal smiley friend (also usually absolutely plastered), and the sight and sounds of the children playing in the fairground! This place in particular seemed bereft and melancholy without the little ones shouting and screaming, a noise that if it were on a quiet mountainside would be hateful, here it is a joy!

Darwin made us think of all things having purpose....there for a reason, however unfathomable, but it is also the case for everything having its right place....when its missing.... not there...if we see things maybe we take more notice when it is there!

Here's to us... the seeing people... capturing what is there and what is not! :)

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