Getting ready for the day

I started my day in the way I generally tend to; with a run. It's how I get ready for the day, as I tend to feel more awake and more energetic after a morning run.

Here on Jervois Road, the staff of Dida's were putting the tables outside ready to start serving coffee and whatever. You can see one of the staff positioning a table and chairs near the plants separating Dida's from the parent shop, a major wine store.

Two runners, heading in opposite directions, both starting their days as well.

The sky was very cloudy and the sun well hidden. Nevertheless, the day was beginning.

A vaguely difficult and unsatisfying day. Tomorrow morning, very early, S and I head out to the airport for the 0700 flight to Sydney, and a long weekend with tsuken and family. Some different views to blip for the next four days.

This is the latest in the cafe series.

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