
By sas05

full moon

what can be said about the facts and figures of today.. not much really..12 hours in the yard is enough to dull the senses.. or so you would think !! full moon tonite was amazing... dont have the gear to do it true justice ...plenty of reflective time today.. not all good ill be honest,, a constant battle with ones own mind not to look at a situation in its darkest terms. but as with all human relationships things are never black and white. many view points provide many "facts" each one to suit our own position. as time goes on it all should mean less as there are few "points" to be earnt alls thats left are for looking at with either hatred or rose tinted glasses..i choose to see the best, after all i saw that once .. anyway,, thats my philosophising done.paraolympics is started,, get ready for some huge flagging waving, its gonner be emotional.

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