Snow On The Roof, Ditton

A bitterly cold day today with snow for most of the morning, so decided on a short walk to one of our nearby pubs. Unfortunately, the lager was very poor indeed - it tasted really odd with a horrible sickly, sweet aftertaste and a curious chemically smell. So took the drinks back and asked for them to be replaced only to get exactly the same again - not good!
It's been an eventful week workwise. Firstly, managed to knock over my camera at work, breaking the tripod head, severing the rear standard from it's base and generally make a big mess of things. Amazingly, the lens and back weren't destroyed - I think I was very lucky that the camera is on a rail system so as it fell the first thing that hit the ground was the end of the rail and not the lens. The back was protected by the bellows - it will need a bloody good clean though as dust got all over the chip. It took me a good few minutes to stop shaking and try and calm myself down.
Managed to finish one deadline only for more to start to appear on the horizon - it's only going to get busier over the next few weeks as we hit peak sale season.
The good news is our boss is away over to Hong Kong for over two weeks so we'll all feel slightly less stressed without his presence!

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