Pooka Vision

By Pooka

We had a pretty bad night again last night, Bean still has a really snotty nose and is clearly not feeling himself.  It's been quite a while since I've had to sit up with him.  In the end I took him to the couch and we slept there together.  I think I spy a tooth trying to pop out so perhaps that's the root of all this mischief...
He had a mammoth nap, well over 3 hours! So we didn't get up to too much, a walk around the lake in Ocean Grove for the first time, tons of ducks came to say hello to us.  Ade mowed the lawn and weeded and Bean had a good roll around the garden, he loved touching all the different plants and for some reason has a fascination with riding on the grass!! 
Beans new word is 'woof', it's come out of nowhere and he said 'woof, woof' when he could hear a dog barking! 
Fingers crossed for a better night tonight! 

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