Live Life
I went to bed knowing that I would be waking up to a whole lot of snow. It took me almost an hour to shovel out but I had already packed all my gear so I could travel to the woods at the crack of dawn. What an amazing, amazing morning!
Hazel was the first 'friend' out to see me and she went up my arm today to get a peanut and I got to stroke her tummy as she ate. I love this shot of her as you can really see her feet so well...what a poser!
Next I went to see Big Ears. The others were shy today but he never fails to come out of the woods to say hi...and to see if I have any apples for him. See extra for a cheeky shot...
Cardinals were accommodating for some seed and less aggressive with each other which was nice to see. (extra) And finally....Junior was out hunting before calling it a day (extra). I waited to see if he would finally see something to eat, but decided that my presence might be preventing him from leaving his perch, so went on my way.
Yesterday, I was listening to co-workers sharing what they would be doing for March, Cuba, Florida, etc. I can honestly say that I am content being here, loving where I am and not dreaming of "getting away". I think most of us on blip feel the same way? We all enjoy holidays but enjoy finding things to love in our daily lives as well. We tend to go out and see more and do more. Kinda cool actually...
I hope you are all loving and living life...
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist."
~ Oscar Wilde
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