Definitely Not Harry and Liberty

"Liberty? Why, it doesn't exist. there is no liberty in this world, just gilded cages."   - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Today's pic is not Harry. It is a youngish campus cat who started coming for dinner a couple of months ago, and now seems to be moving in, which means I must catch him in a cage for THAT trip to the vet, sooner rather than later.  To look at, he is sort of Harry inside out and back to front - see here - but I can't come up with an appropriate name.  Neither Elizabeth nor Caroline have been helpful in this, and Persembe couldn't care less, as long as her access to comfy bed and dinner isn't affected,  so all suggestions welcomed.  

Meanwhile , this afternoon it became necessary to participate in a difficult multi person dialogue, the cause and outcome of which bears such potential long term repercussions that, eventually, after tears and trauma, I found that it made the decision that I've been struggling with recently, a whole lot easier to accept as final, and in my best interests.  Yes, my beloved adopted homeland is living through troubled times, but living in a gilded cage is actually, not really living at all.   

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