Good helping

We're having one of those weeks. If you've read my last two blips you'll know that things haven't been exactly going our way lately. Today started at 12.10am with me waking up feeling a little bit off and Elliott screaming. I grabbed a bucket just in case and tried to get Elliott sorted. I couldn't get him back to sleep and I felt so awful I wasn't sure I could handle the situation anyway (daddy was away). I had to call Nana to come and help me. She rushed around in her PJs and prepared to stay the night. It took a bottle, some paracetamol and 1 1/2 more hours of unsuccessful attempts until Elliott was finally asleep. Nana and I both had a pretty rough 5 hours max asleep.

In the morning we all went to Spanish class then home to attack the house jobs. Nana took Lincoln away for a while to help me get through some stuff. When he came back he pretty much undid everything I had achieved. Then he did some lovely helping in the garden. He saw Poppa with his gloves on so we had to find him some too. He earned $2 for his efforts.

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