
By AllAboutUs

A river runs through it...

.. but is the 'it' through the road, our garden or our house?

Rich and I had been out and were just on our way home when it started to rain... quite hard which should read as absolutely chucking it down. The road had a few rather large puddles forming but we carried on, after all we were almost home. We had to come down a steep hill and then go up the other side before coming down into the road we live in.

The photo is the sight that met us halfway down the hill, we drove down the river that used to be a road and at the bottom we had to decide if we were going to drive through the newly installed swimming pool in the road or turn back. Rich being ...well.... being Rich, he decided it would be fine. Phew, through the swimming pool and down our road. Not too wet on our road and we were glad to be home. Our neighbour was standing outside our house in a bit of a flap saying the gardens were flooded and it was getting close to the house. We went to have a look. The water had run off the hill behind and into our garden. There was a rather large pool in our garden, the veg patch and the inside of the greenhouse were underwater. The cat was complaining loudly that she was stuck on the greenhouse staging as she did not want to get her paws wet. I am glad to say that once the rain stopped it did soak away quickly and did not come into the house.

Needless to say it has been rather wet today...

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