The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Not an ordinary field.

There are fields and there are fields. This is one of them. And one of those trees.
I don't know how many times I have driven past that point, that exact point, with that very view, only to find it disappear behind a thick wall of trees about half a second later. Then, when I actually drive under that very field - a couple of treacherous bends and a very fast straight later - it has disappeared - the field, that is. All that is left is a bank above a section of concrete retaining wall (we get a lot of slippage when it rains) and not a shadow of the tree, which looks so agonisingly lovely as you drive around the single most dangerous corner on the road home. I say agonisingly because it is so difficult - and frustrating - to find the exact spot from which to take a picture and also for leaving the car, as the bend is such that it could be a little dicey for both person with camera and person with camera's vehicle. Even slowing down to go round the corner has its risks in the face of oncoming mad drivers. This has been the cause of much strife and swearing (mine as well as The Child's - forced to sit in a seemingly abandoned car while I have stomped up and down the road looking for the elusive spot not completely blacked out with foliage and failing).

Being a bear of some slight brain and most of that being dedicated elsewhere, after an age I finally worked out the wheres and then this evening it was a case of the whens. Tonight I have diced with death and stuff - the stuff being the locals on their way home from work, tearing along at great speed and gawping at what the mad lady was up to this time; but I now have a not-very-good blip to show for it, because once there, I notice the adjacent field. And a moon...

One day I shall go back and do it properly.


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