Naughty animals
I've filled the bird feeders but the main person enjoying the peanuts seems to be the naughty squirrel. He's also decided to plunder the fatballs on the tree as well. Apart from one solitary pigeon, one slow blackbird and a few starlings, there don't seem to be many visitors to the garden.
Squirrel isn't the only naughty animal at the moment. Hyper-active Furbie was on real form yesterday. I caught her lying on the keyboard of the laptop and it sent the system into some sort of an upgrade, restart or something or other. I did manage to get it back to working normally, but she's headed back again this morning. Is it the warmth - or just cat curiosity.
I'd been doing some sorting and cleaning and I heard a lively rustle of bin bag. She was virtually inside it, scattering the contents and having a whale of a time. No camera to hand, sadly, at that point.
My extra photo is of her watching the snowflakes in the sunshine. Yes - a few rays of lovely light today.
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