View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Cavety Wall Insulation

Another day of drama. This morning the men arrived to put in cavety wall insulation.After a discussion about an air vent they eventually got started and was finished in three hours. #2 daughter went off to see the Physio for the first time after her operation and she was very pleased with here progress and quite surprised that she was not taking any painkillers. Her progress was due to doing everything right and taking plenty rest so it was just a case of now doing the excersises gently to build up the muscles she has not been using. She can go swimming or ride a bike but only on the flat. All the little aches and pains she is having are just the normal healing process. Then came a phone call from Hubby in Tarbet to say there was two inches of water in the kitchen and he did not know where it was coming from. He emptied about six or seven pails of water into the sink and it was still running from he thought somewhere behind the Stanly cooker.
He phoned the plumber and he arrived in the afternoon and dismantled the corner cupboard and there was a pipe behind it with a hole in it. The place is a mess with water under the linoleum and even in the living room carpet. Another claim for the insurance company.
One small good thing today was #2 got an M.O.T. for her car.
Weather was dry in the morning but a hugh thunder and lightening storm in the afternoon.

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