
Steps...that's how many I walked today! Week off my course so R and I returned to our toddler group of choice for a catch up, play doh and biscuits. R was very pleased to be back!

Walk into town, lunch and jobs followed by a pedicure I had been bought for Xmas. Was hoping R would nap after lunch so I could relax but she had other ideas!! She was sweet and sat on my knee chatting about what the lady was doing and about the water going down the plug hole! And then clambered up into the neighburing massage chair. Funny bunny.

While eating lunch I read the weekly newspaper to discover they have their 150 year anniversary today and had included a copy of the original paper. It was fascinating how different it was and how so much has changed since then.

Scottish dancing from C at school to finish off their topic which was lovely and then home and to swimming.

2 more sleeps...

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