
What is it that triggers such teenage tantrums at age 4?
Damned if I know. But Squirrel may not reach anything like her teens.

What reasons/excuses can the Royal Mail have for a 1st class letter being posted on Friday and not arriving by Wednesday?
None whatsoever - 1st class used to be a next day service.

What - a farce!
After said letter failed to turn up we tried contacting the cardiologist's secretary to get details for SWMBO's procedure on Monday. 
The number we had been given does not accept incoming calls!
After going through the hospital switchboard I find out that there is nothing marked against SWMBO's name in the clinic diary .... but it could be at the clinics that are also held at the other two hospitals! ...... which would require speaking to the secretaries there.
There are 3 secretaries for one person and the system cannot check against a patient's name between them?
So we were going to get a call back after enquiries had been made.
I asked for a message to be left on the house phone as it has an answer machine and we would be running about like headless chickens in different places.
What part of 'leave a message' is not clear?
2 calls (from a number which does not receive incoming calls) and a hang up on the answer machine!
So more long winded roundabout calls to get the information.
What a bloody farce - no wonder the NHS is in the state it is.

What a delight to see the snowdrops
What a surprise to see leaf skeletons on the pavement.
What unusual patterns on the bypass canal at the pond.

What a surprise - SWMBO allowed me to order a rare (and expensive) bottle of whisky.

What do you think the blip is today?

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