twinned with trumpton


Goddamn, what was I thinking??? Not only did I agree to 0800 in Bruntsfield, I also agreed to a 1700 as well!!! Gah...

So I was out sharpish; got a PB up the Paris Roubaix that is Comely Bank Avenue and by 9 was rockin'. From EH10, I dropped back into town, got soggy on my way to the east end; dried out with coffee before hitting the west end and onwards for a mooch about Gorgie. A productive day but plenty little breaks to nab photos. There were many today. 

The afternoon saw the pace just as taut before eventually finishing up in Polwarth; a glorious flat with a view over the canal, I spied the castle through the living room window and a pub across the street. When I win the lottery..... 

And homeward; soaked and a quick change before the final visit; worked til 7 and then tacos and laundry dominated the evening. I'm so rock and roll. 

A phone being used for a phone call?? Whoddathunkit?

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