Gloomy start sunny finish

The forecast was cloud and rain therefore a good day to head towards the river and Time Out market for lunch. It was very good and despite thinking I would have octopus we shared an assembly of Asian food, wonderful. Not sure what happened to the pics. For pud we moved to another little outlet and bought two custard tarts and a small black coffee. These tarts are very good and later bought another two for this evening. Tart addiction I'm sure, we started off the week buying one between us and now on two a day.

Afterwards a wander along to the Musuem of Ancient Art, interesting but my attention span was low and feeling like a cultural heathen we found the docks and this tree more interesting, it has a spiky trunk, do you think it's a kapok tree? The pods looked like large avocado pears. By now the sun was out, no cloud and warm, lovely.

Back into the centre and tourist info office to find out about buying bus tickets etc. Across the road was a kiosk to buy a ticket covering three days that can be used on the bus, tram, metro and funicular railway. We put it to instant use and for once travelled uphill in style on Lavra, our local funicular.

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