Red and yellow abstract (Day 635)

If the weather pattern over the last week or so had carried on, yesterday should have been damp and dreich. It turned out to be a reasonably nice day, despite a strong, cold wind.
Today has been utterly vile, and I presume this is the price to pay for the good weather yesterday. Strong winds and very heavy rain has been endless. The morning wander up the hill was unpleasant to say the least.
I had a small job to do in town, and had intended to go and look at another job, but a phone call changed plans, and I scooted off to sort out a problem with a heating system. It took me a lot longer than anticipated, and it was the middle of the afternoon before I was home to collect the dogs for their afternoon walk. Wasdale was horrible, the path resembling a river. The only point of note from the walk was Sigyn presenting me with a large rabbit she had caught.
The camera hasn't left home today, there seemed little point on such a rubbish day, so I thought I would have a go at an abstract shot of some flowers my beautiful wife brought home the other day.

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