2000 Saturday -- In the Kitchen
(back blipped 02/06/17)
This is our daughter, Deidre (pronounced deed-dra) and her daughter Ashly (without an "e"). It is my birthday dinner party with approximately 30 guests in attendance. My birthday is November 17th, which was Friday so the party was planned for Saturday.
I'm not exactly sure what Deed and Ash are doing, but I'm sure it is something to help me get final touches on the meal.
Annually for approximately 10 years I put together my own birthday dinner party at our home and usually it was tied to some theme -- like bring your favorite book and after dinner everyone would take turns explaining why the book they brought was their favorite and they could read a page or two or a paragraph or two or a verse or two. If you are not at all into books, this must sound very boring. Our friends loved these evenings. One year I asked everyone to come prepared to talk about their favorite vacation. These parties were always just a lot of fun and still this many years later friends will tell me those evenings were extremely fun.
This is not the best of party photos, but it sort of captures the moment. If I ever find a better capture from that evening, I'll switch photos, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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