No place like home

"Whilst I was, that is, we were, very glad to see you when you came home last night, and thus were immersed in cuddles of immense relief,  I am speaking on behalf of all three of us today, now that we are sufficiently recovered, when I say that we are generally displeased that you deserted us, again, this time for two whole weeks. As the eldest feline in the house, it is my responsibility to inform you of this. Yes of course we were well fed in your absence, but that is hardly the point, is it?  No one else loves us like you do and we missed it. We do however, accept your bribe gifts of small pieces of genuine English cheddar and Dutch Gouda to make amends, and well, in fact, actually,  I was wondering if there is any more?" 
- HRH Caroline, Queen of all she surveys. 

Vacation over, back to school today - it was, thankfully, an ordinary day. 
Constantly on the move since first thing Friday morning, with no time and no internet, then home too late and too tired last night to do any more than unpack, cuddle cats and go to bed , this evening is the first chance to upload my final Holland photographs for the last three days, working backwards.....

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