singing lessons

I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember.  My first public gig was aged about 5 or 6 in my Granny’s house in Scotland.  I wore a wee kilt and had been booked to perform ‘Scotland the Brave’ to an audience of aunties and uncles.  It was like something out of the Broons.

It didn’t go well; something traumatic happened - yet another wardrobe malfunction perhaps? - and I left halfway through in floods of tears.  Thank goodness Facebook and Youtube had not yet been invented, or I would have been scarred for life.

Illness has meant that singing has become difficult over the past few years and I need some help with vocal technique.  I’ve tried the book, but I’m not motivated to do this on my own.  I need someone to nag me (apart from Anniemay).  So today I started lessons with a vocal coach/singing teacher…….

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