
Well…Errr…Not exactly. This thingie was not going round but the wind still was. It is, The Boss said, ornamental my dear Watson. 
We were out walking being Monday. The weather was compared on everyones phone and declared uncertain but we went anyway and it didn’t actually rain till we were in the Cafe… .Wait...Wait  it didn't rain IN the cafe..OK?
By this time I was home as The Bossess had picked me up when The Boss was totally unobservant and walked us thu a patch of grass burrs that coated his bare legs and devastated my furls.
To give him kudos he immediately sat on the track and spent the next 20 minutes trying to clean me up but his fingernails are not built like they used to be and he finally phoned The Bossess who was (oh joy) in residence so she came and got me and deburred me  with a tool that the Boss would find extremely uncomfortable to use on HIS head.

Sorta hair brush with nails thingie.


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