
By doruktp


My phone died just after this, and I couldn't get it the second time. And when it finally opened, the dark clouds came over. This was a good shot though, I'm happy with it. It's crazy how I've always avoided focusing on the clouds before on my photos... It's like, the one important part people care about but before they were just blue-ish tinted white, just a plain color in the picture. The reason I just took this photo was the colours, the variation of the blues, the beauty of the naturalness... Clouds can give a pretty good perspective or colour or anything that's missing in a photo, really.

Clouds in general intimidate me, I mean just huge creations of water, am I right? Sometimes I get scared by the sheer power of nature, and sometimes adrenaline because of the said power. It's just incredible how a single cloud can make people feel many different things and make one person feel a lot of things at once. This time I was intimidated by the clouds and it drived my emotions to open my app and take it. Maybe it was good that my battery died, because I stared at it and took it in. People don't really take im the real version when they're photographing it, strange...

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