Ladies day. Shot - Gun Start.
Our foursome approaches #18 green.
Another group tees off on #1
Lady 9'ers wait to start on # 10.
Add to this:
One Mama Moose with her long-legged twins.
Who obviously wants to play through.
She pauses. Wondering which way to go.
Down the hill to #18 and the forest beyond?
Down #1 towards Columbine Lake?
I hold my breathe.
She's magnificent and much too close for comfort.
Turns out.
None of the above.
She opts for the driving range.
Two holes later we watch a fox leap into the air,
Scoring a squirmy gray breakfast morsel.
Then there's the geese.
A constant on the course.
Flying overhead, they're magnificent.
Dodging them and their droppings.
Not quite so magnificent.
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