Day 3 ... reporting on .....

Day 2 ----
Oh my this was yet another goodie, an absolute surprise, I had been expecting for O & M to take my daughter & me out ? where! Instead The Rev picked us up I still thought this is a waste of time cos' now someone will need to bring us home??? What an idiot I was, I should have known there was something in this! But no I had not got a clue?? I thought at one point this is the wrong way, (keep quiet mum,) here we are at the church hall car door opened & I still had no idea.
When I entered the hall this is what I saw? ( see blip ) I was overwhelmed , this wonderful afternoon tea " vintage style " was greeting me. By curtesy of the grandchildren. Organised from the north & south , O made most of the goodies we ate and posters etc were shared , J typed the menu's from his hospital bed, apparently he was adamant this should go on despite the situation, fortunately he was discharged late on Thursday night.( very late!! ) what a wonderful bunch my family are. J had to return to hospital for dialysis on Saturday evening . Stoic or what??
Sorry but the next episode of the train trip will come tomorrow folks! Well it is my journal & somethings are too precious not record??
Today A came & joined us we had lunch @ the D' s residence, roast lamb , yummy. We came home about 5.30pm & A went to his home tonight as I am going to St Pancreas with C as sadly she has to return to Newcastle , it was sad not to have the girls with me but they had school & uni, but hey ho we will do something nice latter in the year. Well it would be rude not to stretch my big 0 birthday the whole year wouldn't it????

Thankful ...... to have such a caring family , I love you all dearly & appreciate ALL you do for me . This birthday has certainly been celebrated in style. Bless you all always.

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