Workin' for his keep

There was chattering going on past midnight last night with the sleepover gang . After breakfast their pals helped them tidy up their bedrooms.

Then we fed em' their lunch and got rid!

Peace was restored. :-)

To be fair they were fine. The odd little disagreement! But I'd have been surprised if there wasn't!

Quick visit to a certain large retail shop with get bits and bobs and to return a butter dish that I bought on Friday.
Believe it or not when I took it home on Friday I went to put the butter in it I discovered that the dish was too small! Can you believe it!!
So I bought a different style today and it fits perfectly!

We hit the self service till and Ruaraidh was my checkout boy and I was the bagger!

I've been told that I'm a bit of a bag right enough!

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