Ancient Loom

Tonight the local camera club invited me to join them for a shoot at Avoca Handweavers which is the oldest weaving facility in Ireland. I think there has been a mill on this site since 1734, the old water paddle powering the looms in the factory. Everything is electrified now of course but visitors can still see traditional hand weaving taking place on looms requiring no motive power other than that of a human being with nimble fingers, a keen eye and the feet of a concert organist.

Whenever I see the looms in action and see the shuttle flying from side to side I am reminded of the ols Biblical phrase which likens the passing of our lives to the motion of a weavers shuttle. It flies by just, just like that!

This old loom was pensioned off a long time ago and now forms part of the museum display downstairs in what was the basement and storeroom.

The night has gone by just like the shuttle. It's time to be thinking of turning in and only a few comments made today. My apologies but even I can't be in two places at the one time. Back tomorrow!

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