Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Very bright rainbow this afternoon. A busy day the boyfriend of the physical therapist who saw the dogs yesterday is a healer and phsychic and wanted to look at a few of my dogs as he thought he could help them. It was utterly amazing to watch. First he saw Moss who he thought he could help his deafness. He said he was definitely deaf in 1 ear but the other just had a blockage and that he can and will hear better out of that ear now. And it will improve further in next couple of days. Most certainly heard the healer click his fingers after the session. He also helped his circulation to flow better.

Next was Shaw who has been off for a while. He found a huge blockage mass in her chest and broke it down until it was gone. I felt before and after totally amazing. He said she was grumpy but that should be gone now. He said she didn't have much muscle mass and recommended liver added to her diet every few days.

Next was Dris and my main reason was to get a different opinion on his lump. However he instantly picked up on the problem the vet caused when she was "assessing" him when I took him in for his lump. She had pulled his back legs back and he gave an awful yelp and tried to bite towards her. It transpires that she trapped a nerve when she did that and psychologically he was worried when anyone touched there that it would be that sore. He also said the super strong anti biotics had shut down his system. Well as he worked on Dris it was amazing he started to come alive again. His back end started to look better and then Dris just went incredibly excited and happy and grabbed a toy and was ragging it all over the place and running around like a lunatic. He's alive again and wow is it nice to have my happy fun Dris back. It's funny as I knew he wasn't right. As for his lump it's pretty much gone after the session and he said is just a bit of a muscle bulge that's left. No infection. What a relief!

Lastly I asked him to look at Pip. Mentally she has been terribly unstable and more reactive and barky than ever. He said she is very connected to me and a total mirror of me and my stress. She behaves like the mum of the pack trying to keep everything right and it's stressing her out. Then added to that by shutting her in the kitchen while she's been in season she's felt like she's done something wrong so she's been even more stressed. He's shown me how to bring her down and back to puppy hood. She shoulders being so tight is due to stress more than the previous injury so need to help free up that tension. When he did free it she rolled around on the floor all happy then grabbed a toy and started playing like a puppy. She did spend a bit of time wandering around looking bemused at the sensation of no stress she was feeling.

After all that he gave me a quick 10min session which really helped to bring me down a bit.

Husbands mum passed away this morning so he is staying longer to help is step dad. I was great full that some friend were down seeing the physical therapist today so I had company all day. One friend is staying now to help me as I have to feed both farms as of tomorrow as there is no cover for the other farm. It will be nice yo have help and company. Hating not being there for husband today in person.

5c rain am sunshine and showers pm

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