Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Jenny and I went back to foremark today, better prepared with lights fixed on the horsebox and a better map!

We had a few problems loading Dougal at the yard. He walked on fine initially but managed to flick up the rubber matting so it was all rucked up under his feet. We should have left him on and just picked his feet up but hindsight is a great thing and Jenny was worried about him panicking. Unfortunately this happened twice and the third time he must have thought " I've done it twice for you and you've taken me off so I'm not doing it again". After several attempts an audience had started to gather which is never helpful but a few people stepped in to help and we got him on with a feed bucket. I chucked the feed bucket in just in case but he's never been difficult to load before so we thought it was just a blip and he'd be tired on the way home so not up to protesting!

The ride was brilliant, the weather was perfect we didn't get lost and we managed the full 15 mile route in 4 hours.

Arrived back at the box buzzing. Lime loaded fine. Dougal was having none of it. We did eventually get him on after about 20 attempts and Jenny nearly being flattened. It was very stressful. Lime was freaking a bit and kicking the partition. Thought he was going to rear up at one point. He was annoyed I think cos he could see the bucket of feed we were using to try and coax Dougal in and he's always better if we get going straight away. Anyway we made it home in one piece but my nerves are shattered!!!

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