Baking Bonanza

Hooray! Today has been a much better day! Asha & I were out & about, saw lots of our neighbours which was lovely...had lots of lovely conversations with strangers (mainly about how long until the baby is due!)...bought stuff to make muffins etc etc... We made carrot, walnut & raspberry...the only fat was an egg & some yoghurt...But yet again I decided against a recipe, which means although they're tasty, I'm unlikely to be able to repeat them! My baking style is definitely ad hoc, and after years of not owning scales, I go on texture. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't! 

But what's really been going around my head has been the generosity we've recieved in the form of someone completely paying off our home birth bill!! And it's not small! Overwhelming kindness...and that's months of payments they've just taken away from us...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The amazing & generous gift of a debt-free home birth. Grateful to the guys who've given us the money, and to God!
2) Feeling like myself again!
3) A quick chat with Danny this afternoon.

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