Oooooh...It's Friday???
The weekend is here!!
I am going to wish on every star I see tonight, that I have an amazing day tomorrow taking photos. No family portraits, no time restrictions, just a day that starts early and I will see where my car takes me. This past week has been manic at work. I need a long walk in a beautiful odd as that may sound lol
An ideal day would be to be down at the lake to watch the sun rise, a walk through the woods to be the first to greet all the creatures who awaken to start their day, and a drive into Toronto to a couple of my favourite cemeteries, to wander aimlessly to read headstones and take photos of the art and architecture. Is that too much to ask for? ; ) We shall see...
In the mean time, this gorgeous grey squirrel (albeit black), was so cute and perfect for a blip : ))
Happy, happy weekend...whatever you do!
D x
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