Birthdays from 1981

Caroline & I have revisited our youth a little bit. In the guise of helping Mum & Haydn clear out 30 years of living from her loft.
We found an abundance on annuals from the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s (& my Rupert ones!!), a Dansette record player, 5 boxes of vinyl amongst countless, 60s valentine/Christmas & birthday cards, old Sky boxes & furniture.
It was actually really nice to spend some time with my mum & sister....a sort of family version of Saturday night with my friends.
All 3 of us were really ruthless with throwing stuff away, me much more so, being the hoarder.
This picture is one of many sets of birthday cards I threw away. They were all so wonderfully 70s but I think it would be just impossible to try & keep everything.
The irony here is that the birthday I chose to immortalize for today's photo is the same one my lovely little Ferguson will be celebrating in a weeks time.
Despite being a boy, I still don't suppose he will get many cards with fluffy bears & animals on...!

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