Unipedal Pussy Willow Perching

Much brighter today. Jazz and I could definitely sense spring in the air on our walk. I photographed my first zebra jumping spider of 2017 on the south-facing wall of glasshouse thirteen. A thrush was singing its refrain thrice over in the hedge by the lake as I wriggled under it into the ditch and up the bank. My image of Jack heron was taken prostrate on the bank. I couldn't decide whether to include the natural vignette produced by a tree and the top of the bank. I've added another image which includes it to extras. Jack was in perfect light, which has caught him and the pussy willow buds beautifully. Lovely bright yellow patch of Xanthoria lichen.

On the way back to the house I thought I heard a human whoop but then twigged that it was an owl. I didn't see it and I don't suppose I will but from the call it was a either a lone or a pair of tawnies. I got a lovely pic of a male blackbird in perfect shiny breeding condition perched on the plastic structure tubes. 

Today's poem is Jenny Kissed Me by Leigh Hunt. www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/50495

I don't warm to Leigh Hunt. It seems to be all about him. 



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