After the promising weather of yesterday, the sky this morning was overcast. After I had given the birds their share of seeds and oats, I removed a thick layer of leaves where I saw or suspected tiny blades of bulbs. Only at a small space, so this is only the beginning.
After lunch, when there was even more mist and it rained softly, we went for our walk, saying to each other: we can try to take misty photos, how great is that. But I know of course there has to be some dramatic form hidden in the mist if it will work well.
We chose to walk through the forest towards the Weser. We walked along the river till we reached the sheep. I had some bread with me (perhaps for ducks or the swan pair) and the sheep loved to have a piece, the ones further away came running towards me.
At some point there was still ice at the sides of the river.
We choose for the last part of our walk a different path, and all in all we were satisfied with our walk. The rain had stopped, and at the horizon light had appeared.
No misty photo to speak of, for me anyway. Perhaps Piet Hein has had better results.

Tomorrow (4 February) there will be again a Silly Saturday, and the tag will be: #SilsS18, or if you like #SillySaturday18, and even SillySaturday works for me.
Looking forward to silly scenes, funny creatures, silly signs, or silly behaviour of yourself (will make me laugh or smile too).

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