
By trabroun

S agreed to have her photo taken

You see, when you get given a new camera it's essential there is a model to go with it. So, as there were no volunteers in the house we went down the coast to Cove Beach. A very small tranquil bay, with only 3 houses, a harbour and a rugged stone beach - ideal for dogs to scamper over but not so kind to human ankles. However as the tide was in, we headed to the Southern Upland walk where we soon discovered we were up to our knees in mud, falling though puddles of gloop and trying to retrieve the dogs out of the fields hence we came home puggled. S had the right idea staying at home watching films and practicing her guitar, all of which are to aid her prelim work for her Music higher - aye right - that's a Scottish double positive which really means a negative!
I then downloaded the pics and they were okay but nothing spectacular. So since I got some positive comments about yesterday's blip I thought I try it with a human, one of which was sitting next to me at the dinner table.
Numerous blips later we decided this was the one S was happiest with - so voila!

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