Raising the Hackles

I'm sure the smaller birds don't like it, but I love it when the blue herons get all defensive and territorial, and they puff up their feathers.

The picture is a little deceiving. You would think the warning would be for the other perched heron, but....nooooooo, the hackles are raised for a pelican that is just out of the picture. All the birds were in a frenzy, because there were 2 huge cartons of frozen fish (bait fish) being unloaded at the docks.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/76781400@N06/albums/72157679891181395  15 other pictures are on my Flickr page. My blip alternate was the pelican with just the eye in focus.

A beautiful day. 72F (21C) and sunny. We spent a couple hours at the beach. Funny to be there with just a handful of children in view. (Where did all these "old people" come from?)

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