My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

A little help from my friends

Working in a lab has its advantages!
Using my patented Clone-a-matic 6000 I've managed to clone myself so that I don't have to do all the garden chores on my own and the real me can just relax with a beer and a good book.

I've had this idea for a photomerge rattling around my head for a while and as I'm lucky to be alive I thought I'd give it a whirl. In the process of mowing the lawn I inadvertently managed to run over the power cord. Cue a second of confusion as the mower cut out before I realised what had happened, thanked the non-conductance of orange plastic, and berated my idiot like brain for not paying enough attention. So given the half cut lawn I though it was the ideal time to have a go at this.

The Clone-a-matic isn't actually patented yet...

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