
Sorry to have Simba appearing twice in one week, but I've been trying out ideas for my next Photography Group meeting.  The subject is "Juxtaposition" and I'm hoping this shot of The Owl and The Pussycat will qualify:-)  What do you think?

Good news and bad news at my visit to the Nurse this morning.  Weight - down, sugar levels - down, cholesterol - down, however BP sky high!!  The highest it's ever been in fact, so what's going on?  Losing weight is supposed to help lower your BP,  but something in this diet is obviously interfering with my BP meds so I'm going to have to come off it.  Was given an emergency appointment with a GP, who has added an extra drug to my regime in the hope it will help and not cause too many side effects.  Botheration!  It was all going so well.

Will now have to research other diets suitable for people with high BP, as I have no intention of letting the weight go back on.  My mood for the rest of the day was as grey as the weather outside:-(

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