White flower (Day 630)

The weather continues in a bipolar vein. A day of sunshine followed by one of low cloud and cold winds. The dogs didn't seem to mind as we wandered up the hill this morning.
It was soon time for me to head to the wilds of Costa, to install a loo in a half built porch extension. The wind was bitterly cold, but I got the loo fitted anyway.
I was met at the job by my beautiful wife, and we went to Aikerness to wander the dogs. It was still cold there and the photographic opportunities were very limited.
Back home for lunch, then a trip into town, and back home to take an emergency flower blip. I had hoped for something a little more impressive on this, the 4th anniversary of my first ever blip.
I am really proud of HV today, there is an article about her and her photography in a local magazine, and she has the centre spread.

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