Another Landmark

Watching the boy grow up has become a series of was a biggie.
He came into my room so very early this morning all dressed in his uniform..hat as well...excited to be going to school.
From my fuzzy sleepy eyes I saw how little he looked in his oversized school cloths and his little feet in clunky heart cracked open ...just a little.
On the way in the car I said ' just have to stop growing'......'I cant Nanny' aint that the truth...there are just some things that are inevitable.
When we dropped him off I bawled my eyes out..jeez! though we were sweetly touched that the teacher gave him a hug when he walked into the classroom.

Jaiya and I went into town for coffee and croissants...and a little retail therapy...I scored a lovely blue swimming cozzie.......unfortunately I look like a plump blue berry in it so I am looking into some Pilates classes and even some aqua thingamijigs (exercise classes) to get back into shape after my would be so good to get into some semblance of fitness.

AN: His first day was a hit and he liked it a lot.

“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”

- Albert Einstein

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