
By elflooze

Move over Bond...I've got a licence to drive!


When I was 17, instead of getting driving lessons, I went to America and did my final year of school as an exchange student. It was amazing and after the first two of homesickness I loved every moment. I was so lucky to have parents who let me go, and also to be placed with an amazing host family - My American Mom and Dad!

I came back to Scotland when I was 18 and got on with my life. Living in Edinburgh, learning to drive was low on my priority list. It remained a low priority for 16 years. Then, after a year of lessons, I passed first time in November. Woo!

Clearly not one to rush things on the driving front, I only got round to sending off all the bits for my licence last week. Including a cheque. Yes, a CHEQUE is they only form of payment they would accept (I had an apparently complex case because my provisional licence photo expired just after my test).

But anyway, the crux of the story... I have a licence! An actual grown up driving licence.

And I'm not even 36 yet! ;)

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