
January has passed and so we welcome February. The days get noticeably lighter and the birds more interested in Spring time activities.

This is the front cover of a Russell's guidebook I found at Mum's. I think it must have belonged to her grandfather as on it I can see my grandad has written 'Dad's'. Inside it is filled with detailed written information and figures in tables and maps. It has for example an 'Index to places of interest referred to herein', a 'map of how to get to any part of the Isle of Wight by railway or motor bus' and a 'table of distances by road'. I think this must be one in a series of walking books. It was published in 1955 but notes this was its 27th year of publication.

The Isle of Wight has for many generations been a holiday escape for our family and perhaps I should go again, this time with this book, to follow some of the walks it describes and see how much things have changed.

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