A Transparent Eyeball

By heidimconley

Head in these clouds not recommended...

Where I live, in southern Idaho, could be called high desert. Every once in a great while, we get a fantastic thunderstorm, or, as with this day, a whole evening of them. Especially alluring by its novelty this summer--we're on the outer fringes of a drought that's plagued the nation, so rainstorms have been scarce.

Sunday, then (whoops, just realized I told Blip this was Saturday--it wasn't--was Sunday), as we had out-of-town family visiting, we all got together at my sister's house, and WEATHER ensued. When you don't have to be out driving in it, being in the middle of a thunderstorm is quite lovely. This pic was taken after the storm had passed overhead. Realized later that I had my "real" camera in my purse; this was just taken with my Android. Ah well. Still gives a sense of the lingering thrill.


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