
Symudodd y diwrnod ar gyflymder plentyn sy angen cysgu. Tra roedd hi'n cysgu eisteddon ni, yn yfed coffi a sgwrsio. Wedyn aethon ni allan i faes chwarae lleol am iddi hi chwarae am awr. Mae hi'n eofn a chwilfrydig. Mwynheais i wylio arni hi yn archwilio'r lle ac yn chwarae ar y sleid.  Os cwympodd hi i lawr, cododd hi i fyny eto heb ffwdan.   Mwynheais i nid bod yn dwrist, nid fynd i leoedd enwog, jyst bod gyda ffrindiau yn y parc. Wedyn aethon ni i siop siocled, i yfed siocled poeth ac yn bwyta tarten siocled. Blasus iawn. Cerddais i adre gyda Tamara, tra prynodd hi fwyd am bryd y fwyd yn y noson. Ac yn y noson cawson ni gwestai - Catherine, ffrind o Zhal'mèd a Tamara. Mae hi wedi cael bywyd diddorol iawn fel athrawes yn y Sorbonne ac roedd hi wedi gweithio gyda chyfarwyddwyr ffilm fel François Truffaut. Mae hi'n ysgrifennu bywgraffiad am Jane Austen. Cawson ni sgwrs fywiog am addysg, celf a bywyd Jane Austen hefyd. Roedd noson hyfryd.

Fearless - Pink Floyd

The day moved at a pace of a child who needed to sleep. While she was sleeping we sat, drinking coffee and chatting. Then we went out to a local playground for her to play for an hour. She is fearless and curious. I enjoyed watching her investigate the place and playing on the slide. If she fell down, she got  up again without fuss. I enjoyed not being a tourist, not going to famous places, just being with friends in the park. Then we went to a chocolate shop, drinking hot chocolate and eating chocolate tart. Delicious. I walked home with Tamara, while she bought food for a meal  in the evening. And in the evening we had a guest - Catherine, a friend of Zhal'mèd and Tamara. She has had a very interesting life as a teacher at the Sorbonne and she has worked with film directors like François Truffaut. She is writing a biography of Jane Austen. We had a lively conversation about education, art and life of Jane Austen too. It was a lovely evening.

Fearless - Pink Floyd

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