
A glorious sunny day but don't be misled, it was -16 degrees! We had a fantastic morning exploring an isolated corner of the mountain which we had been unable to visit previously due to high winds. The first warning of the extreme cold was when my phone kept shutting down when trying to take photographs! Late in the morning I felt my core temperature drop like a stone & new it was time to get off the mountain. Unfortunately because of where we were skiing it took a good 40 minutes to ski back to the village & was concerned I wouldn't be able to make it as I felt so cold & lacking in energy. Thankfully my lovely husband was with me to encourage & feed me several chocolate bars to keep me going. On returning to our apartment in the hotel, it took several hours to feel warm again & that despite the five thermal layers & down jacket which I wore lying on the sofa in front of the fire!! It was quite alarming how long it took to feel human again. Tomorrow it's to be cold again & we shall have to be very careful!

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