I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray


I was looking into my crystal ball and saw some photography in my future.

I thought it was interesting that my little ladybug was reflected twice in the crystal ball, right side up and then upside down. The reflection of the reflection on the countertop, once again is right side up but quite clear. These things are so much fun to play with.

Went for my consultation with the Gastroenterologist and my endoscopy is scheduled for Friday morning. I still have to wait until the 28th to see the laparoscopic surgeon, but feel that things are proceeding.

Spent the rest of the day with friends making pierogis. First time making and eating them. What a treat. It was a great day of talking, laughing and eating.

I am grateful for the medical community, wonderful friends and a crystal ball that I can see my future in!

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